Sunday, October 18, 2009

My Philosophy

An art classroom should be a safe-haven for students to feel comfortable and have the freedom to express who they are through art and to grow in their abilities to create while they are in the classroom. Students should learn how to think both independently and interdependently through individual and group art projects. Through hands on experience, students should become familiar with many different art forms and artists. It is very important for students to have many visual aids available to them. I believe the more art someone sees the more inspired to create they become. An art educator should support each of the students to find their own way of creating to the best of their ability. Art education should begin with the basics and encourage exploration into new ways of creating. Looking at the artwork of past and present artists, and the arts of many different cultures should be a part of inspiring students. An art classroom should be a place where students are free to explore and discover more about what part they play in this world.

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