Monday, October 12, 2009

Danielle Hallman, Skier, Watercolor

My silhouette is an image of someone cross-country skiing done in watercolors. The background of the image is a blue gradation because blue is a cool and calming color and the feelings I want to come from my image. Last year my boyfriend attempted to teach me how to cross-country ski, something he has been doing since childhood, and I am hoping that when we go again this year I will fall a little less and this will become something that we can share. I am someone who loves being active and outside and I wanted my project to express it.

My idea for my project is that the students will have an image of themselves involved in an activity that they enjoy—to make the project more personal and enjoyable—and make a silhouette of themselves. The background of the image will be done in watercolor and will be expressive, using color and texture to show either the emotions they feel when doing this activity or to expressively depict the mood setting in which this activity is done.

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